Welcome Victory Mothers!
I am so excited that you have made your way to our NEW BLOG!
A places where mother's A. Give great advice & B. Hear great advice!
Paul write in Romans 1:11-12
" I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong - that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's Faith!"

As followers of Christ, we are in need of other's on this journey. Not just for what we can give someone else, but what we can give to one another. Each of our own stories have the power to encourage and inspire others, and I believe it is our job to share it!
I am not a mother yet. But from my time being a Children's Pastor I have learned so many valuable lessons from mothers. I have watched from a distance as women around me have learned;
- How to raise a child in the Lord
- How to keep their intimacy with Jesus while raising children,
- How to raise their husband while raising their children. (lol) Just kidding !
Over the past few years, I have learned lessons from many of the Mother's at Victory.
I have been storing much of this wisdon within for when my day comes.
But until then, I believe the Lord desired for me to create a space for the the Mother's of Victory to encourage each other.
A place they can share there victories, failures and progress.
A place they can be together, and get better!
My prayer is that we all use this blog as a resource.
Whether it be for the present moment, or to help us prepare for the future.
We all need inspiration and encourage- and we can find that in one another!
I truly believe we are better together <3
Cassie Muller